I have been on Twitter since 2007 so I have tweeted some embarrassing and baffling things over the years. Here are some of those tweets, with commentary from modern-day me. We can all grow and change!
Oct. 19, 2007: "Danny the song & dance cat" from Cats Don't Dance is pretty much the sexiest dancing cat ever. He was also my first crush as a child.
In retrospect, I am surprised I announced, on Twitter, at age 15, that I had a crush on a cartoon cat. I would be embarrassed to tweet this today, though it is still true. Incidentally, I just looked into it and Danny was voiced by Scott Bakula, who is, y’know, cute but not really my type. I guess I just love gregarious weirdos who are way too into musical theatre, and are, maybe, cats.
Feb. 9, 2008: I really want Ryan Seacrest & Simon Cowell to have sex, if they haven't already. Shhh.