Content note: trauma, childhood discipline, Daddy Dom/little girl roleplay.
I’m seeing a new therapist – and by “seeing,” I mean “having regular phone sessions with,” because these are COVID times, baybeee – and she is wonderful.
Stressful times such as these are apt to bring forth all the old traumas, fears, and insecurities that have been stagnating in your psyche for years – and if I feel this way, I literally can’t imagine what it’s like right now for people more directly affected by our current events, like Black people, teargassed protesters, or those suffering from the coronavirus’s takeover of their own body or the body of someone they love. Just observing the world’s current goings-on from my small but safe apartment has been enough to send me into spirals of stress, anxiety, and resulting chronic pain flare-ups that leave me useless and groaning motionlessly in bed day after day. It’s not a pretty picture.